Who doesn’t know this situation? You give your best, you are prepared and are highly energetic. You do this because it means something to you. You want to move, change something, make an impact – and then you are partially misunderstood. Sometimes even not at all. You repine, doubtful of yourself and your environment, in short: You are frustrated!
Why do people misunderstand us? Is that our doing? The answer is obvious – YES – it *is* up to us! A few thoughts today, a possibility for your first step on your path to better, more effective communication.
I wonder more often than not, was I convincing? Did my peer get the message; were my comments or presentation comprehensible? How am I perceived?
That is actually different to what most of us do believe. Therefore we should know the following – how does our consciousness work, how it is organized?
To illustrate this, it is likened in literature to take the iceberg model. The part that is seen above the surface, corresponds to our waking consciousness, our mind. This equals approx. 10% of the total iceberg and our brain.
Everything in the water corresponds to our sub-consciousness.
If you talk to people, be assured, every part of convincing takes place in the submersed part of the iceberg, under water, in the sub-consciousness. All decisions a person makes are made out of the sub-consciousness and subsequently grounded in reason via the brain. Isn’t that incredible?
And what can process our subconscious mind ? These are two things, pictures and feelings. If you succeed with your counterpart to trigger “linguistic pictures” or emotions, then you can move it.
Just as the iceberg finds its direction through the force of water flow, you can reach and move people through images and feelings in the sub-conscious mind.
The more empathy you are able to communicate, the sooner you invoke feelings or pictures in your conversation with who you are speaking with. I do not mean that you should imitate an actor. In this instance, you deeply care for your opposite, being authentic and understanding their motivations. If this is achieved, you will be able to convince people better. You can achieve a common level of communication, erreichen, which is highly effective, emotive and causes goal-orientated and desired change.
Many people are surprised that they kick-start a storm, however move nothing. It would take a small push "downwards” only to literally move people.
Wenn Du etwas Ähnliches erlebt hast oder eine andere Meinung zu dem Thema vertrittst, würde ich mich über Deinen Kommentar als Mail freuen.
Kind regards
Angela H.
Affect Tomorrow
Coached – Today
Wer kennt das nicht. Du gibst Dir alle Mühe, Du bereitest Dich auf etwas vor, legst all Deine Energie in eine Sache hinein. Dies machst Du, weil Dir etwas wichtig ist, Du etwas bewegen, etwas verändern möchtest – und dann wirst Du nicht richtig oder auch nur teilweise verstanden. Manchmal auch gar nicht. Du haderst, zweifelt an Dir und Deiner Umwelt, kurz gesagt: Du bist frustriert!
Why do people misunderstand us? Is that our doing? The answer is obvious – YES – it *is* up to us! A few thoughts today, a possibility for your first step on your path to better, more effective communication.
I wonder more often than not, was I convincing? Did my peer get the message; were my comments or presentation comprehensible? How am I perceived?
That is actually different to what most of us do believe. Therefore we should know the following – how does our consciousness work, how it is organized?
To illustrate this, it is likened in literature to take the iceberg model. The part that is seen above the surface, corresponds to our waking consciousness, our mind. This equals approx. 10% of the total iceberg and our brain.
Everything in the water corresponds to our sub-consciousness.
If you talk to people, be assured, every part of convincing takes place in the submersed part of the iceberg, under water, in the sub-consciousness. All decisions a person makes are made out of the sub-consciousness and subsequently grounded in reason via the brain. Isn’t that incredible?
And what can process our subconscious mind ? These are two things, pictures and feelings. If you succeed with your counterpart to trigger “linguistic pictures” or emotions, then you can move it.
Just as the iceberg finds its direction through the force of water flow, you can reach and move people through images and feelings in the sub-conscious mind.
Je empathischer Du kommunizierst, desto eher entstehen bei Deinem Gesprächspartner Gefühle oder auch Bilder, die dann bei ihm Emotionen auslösen können. Damit meine ich nicht, dass Du zu einem Schauspieler mutieren solltest. Für die Praxis bedeutet dass, interessiere Dich für Dein Gegenüber – ernsthaft, sei authentisch, verstehe seine Beweggründe und Du wirst die Menschen besser überzeugen können. So kannst Du eine achieve a common level of communication, erreichen, which is highly effective, emotive and causes goal-orientated and desired change.
Many people are surprised that they kick-start a storm, however move nothing. It would take a small push "downwards” only to literally move people.
Wenn Du etwas Ähnliches erlebt hast oder eine andere Meinung zu dem Thema vertrittst, würde ich mich über Deinen Kommentar als Mail freuen.
Kind regards
Angela H.
Affect Tomorrow
Coached – Today